Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just The Stats

Just for fun, or maybe to depress (or impress) myself, I started calculating the stats of this journey.

But before I give you that rundown, this is where things stand on our return home.  As it looks right now, we will be landing in Denver at about 4pm on Saturday, April 14th.  Finally!  As I had mentioned before, we were hopeful that we would get the passport on Tuesday, no such luck.  So Thursday is embassy and medical then Friday is back to the embassy.

If your curious, or just bored, read on....

Keep in mind that both Jamie and myself will have made two round trip trans-Atlantic trips each.  Plus Lily and Annabelle each made one.  Add to it Annabelle and I's diversion to Germany and the ping-pong, train/bus/taxi trips to the nether places of this fine country and we have racked up some serious miles and slept in a variety of beds, not all of them really beds at all and not all of them in a horizontal position.

Also, this is just the miles for the immediate family.  Another little note, anytime we left Kiev we had at least one, usually two translators/facilitators with us.  We got to feed and house them as well.

Total Days of the Journey:            69 (projected)

Total Air Miles Traveled:       85,484 on a combination of 5 different airlines
                          Tiffany:         27,218
                          Jamie:           25,028
                          Annabelle:    14,591
                          Lily:              12,627
                          Daria:             6,020
Total Train Miles Traveled:      4,752
                          Tiffany:           1,608
                          Jamie:              1,212
                          Annabelle:       1,044
                          Lily:                    648
                          Daria:                  240
Total Bus Miles Traveled:         1,875 (I won't bore either of us with the break-down)
Total Walking Miles Traveled:    160 (combined estimate)
Total Taxi Miles Traveled:       Who Knows...many!
Total Miles Traveled:            92,271

How I spent my nights:          16 moves between the following locations
Kiev:   Karen's:                          29 nights
           Tara's:                               3 nights
           Independence Sq:             3 nights
Romny:                                       6 nights
Nikopol:                                    14 nights
Germany:                                    5 nights
Home:                                         5 nights
Train:                                          2 nights
Plane:                                          2 nights

We won't even talk about the financial side, lets just say it was significant.  But now that I am actually capable of looking back, I am kind of impressed.  There we many days that I was certain I would not survive.  If you would have told me back in early February that come mid April I would have spent more time in Ukraine than on U.S. soil, I would have laughed at you.  Really, out loud, in your face kinda laugh.  Now, I can't believe it is almost over.  Wasn't it just last week I was certain it would never end?  Wow, God really is good, He really is Faithful and He really does carry us when we can't carry ourselves.    Believe me, this is nothing that I did.

Tonight is buy one/get one free from Domino's, guess we are having pizza!

My brain is tired from all that big math....later!


  1. You forgot to calculate how many pizzas and cups of tea...! :) I so wish our housing was closer to a Domino's!

  2. And how many liters of coffee, wine, and tears? Way to persevere!
