Sunday, April 8, 2012


Well, for most of you it is Easter morning.  A day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  However, here in Ukraine they are on the orthodox calendar, which means that this year Easter is next Sunday for them.  Kind of strange really, for my family Easter is a big deal.  We alway dress up a bit more, eat a bit (well a lot) more, go to church.  We do the eggs, the easter baskets...the whole nine yards.  It kinda feels like missing Christmas.  It isn't that we aren't celebrating it at all, we are going to have Easter dinner with our friends Phil & Tara.  But that is about it.  And let me say it one last time, I hope beyond all hope that I am not still here next Sunday and celebrating it again.  This year, I think I would rather miss it than have it twice, if that makes any sense at all.  

Anyway, I am feeling much better.  No more fever, thankfully and the sore throat is nearly gone.  The cough is hanging on but that's about it.  I have been sleeping and eating...both big accomplishments from my perspective.

The sky is a beautiful bright blue today.  Looks warm after the last couple that have been a bit cloudy and rainy.  You would be proud, yesterday I actually ventured out to the store all by myself.  Yip, I finally grew up and did the shopping solo!  I even remembered to get all my produce weighed before I got to the check out.  Strange thing here, when you get produce there is an attendant standing at a scale.  You take you goodies and she weighs them and puts the little bar code tag on it.  They do that with the bakery stuff too.  While it was great to get out, it was a drag, literally, getting my purchases home.  Jug of water in one hand and my trusty Ukrainian shopping bag in the other.  Of course, this day I wanted to take the elevator and wouldn't you know it, it was broken.

Last night we three girls braved the metro together to make the trip to church.  Annabelle was reluctant, English church with Russian translation didn't sound like her cup of tea.  But I wanted Daria to experience church for the first time with some opportunity for understanding it in her native language.  I am glad we went.  I don't know exactly what she thought of it but she did sing a long with some of the songs and willingly went to Sunday school.  Another metro ride home and a late dinner compliments of Annabelle.

The metro was a first for Daria, just the beginning of many firsts for this brave little girl.  The coming weeks will be full of them.  I keep reminding myself, take it easy...her world is about to be rocked.  Everything I have felt, experienced for the past two months is going to hit her like a ton of bricks in just a matter of days.  Remember Tiffany, remember how you felt.  

I have finished several books in the last week, something I hadn't accomplished in forever.  Even a good two weeks ahead on my Bible reading plan.  I want to take the girls shopping and let them see a little bit of Kiev before we head out.  Tomorrow is probably the most realistic day to try to do that.  Who knows what the rest of the week will have in store and I don't want the opportunity to slip by and miss it. 

Other than that, I greet this Easter morning in Ukraine with hope.  Hope in Christ, which has never wavered because He is Risen.  And a hope that in just a few short days we will be home, home on earth that is.  Colorado...all my girls, my husband and even the special needs dog...all under one roof, finally and forever together.

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