Friday, April 6, 2012

Sick...Sick and Tired

Ok, so today is the 2 month mark.  We left Denver on February 6, 2012, just short of 9 weeks now...oh, big sigh!  God has been so very faithful, He kept me healthy and safe for all of it.  But now, I have the flu! Fever, chills, sore throat, feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest kind of flu.  I was so cold I went and soaked in the tub, with water as hot as it would go.  Then the sweat came...oh, I hate being sick.

What makes it worse is that I feel so guilty.  I have this little girl, who obviously hates being cooped up, who can barely communicate and is trapped in an apartment.  I tried to explain via google translate that I was sick, I think she understands but I still feel bad.  Then there is Annabelle, who is obviously ready to go home.  Can't blame her, I am too.  They have plugged in the Scoobie Doo Movie, Annie is watching Daria is busy playing a game on my phone.

I found out today that it looks like the passport will not be ready to pick up until Wednesday.  This was slightly disappointing, I really was hoping for Tuesday.  There is an outside chance that it could come in on Monday and be ready for pick up on Tuesday, please pray.  I know one day shouldn't make a difference, but since prom is on Saturday it does make a difference.  No matter how much I tell myself otherwise, it does matter.  To miss prom by one day, really?  God is good, I will be fine but what a blessing it would be if it worked out.

I am now trying to figure out how to start the parenting side of things.  I hate telling her no when she does something that she shouldn't.  I hate correcting her.  But I don't want to let everything go and then all of the sudden impose "these rules."  It is a balance I am sure, any advice from you veterans out there would be appreciated.  I don't want to seem mean or a push over.

Annabelle and I talk and I feel like we are leaving Daria out, I don't know how to effectively include her. Sometimes she looks at me with this cute, little confused face.  I can tell she wants desperately to understand and participate.  I tried to get her to teach me Russian words while I teach her English words.  But all she wanted to do was have the computer say the words, not her.

Annabelle has been really good with her.  But I know that won't last, the girls are used to having their own stuff and Daria has had nothing of her own.  Eventually they are gonna get mad when she comes and takes something out of their hands.  Daria likes to tickle her, it is a good way to lighten things up.  I can tell she is very playful.  I wish we could go out in the yard and play, there seems no better way to communicate than through play.

She played on a computer game yesterday, one that a friend sent me.  It was for a younger child but it was a good game for learning some basic English.  It kept her interested for a good hour.  Think maybe we will try it a bit more today.

Annabelle made spanakopita and some cinnamon crisps yesterday.  Daria like both a lot.  Last night we introduced her to an American classic, BLT's with homemade french fries.  She liked the sandwich but not the fries, I was surprised by that.  Today, Mac & Cheese for lunch and some pasta with chicken and mozzarella cheese and tomato for dinner.

Hopefully I feel better tomorrow.  I want to go to church and introduce Daria to it in a native format.  On Saturday night they do the service in translation.  She could also go to Sunday school with kids and teachers that she could communicate with.  My friends, Bill and Karen Miller...they left Ukraine with out me, but thankfully left some medicine here.  They also left Daria a New Testament that is in both English and Russian.  Thanks guys...

Please pray that I get well, that the girls don't get sick and that things goes smoothly next week.  No unforeseen complications.  Next weekend (April 15) is Easter here, which means that if we run into that week Monday is a holiday.  And we all know what holidays mean...time!

Love to all...gonna go drink some hot tea!

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